Skin rejuvenation techniques

Advanced Dermatology deals with various types of skin rejuvenation techniques. It indeed plays a vital role in fighting the signs of aging, enhancing the appearance of the skin and treating different kinds of skin conditions.

Skin rejuvenation involves a wide variety of treatments, and it is extremely important to understand the benefits, applications and pros and cons of each treatment. The thermal energy treatments include radio and optical treatments. Radio frequency devices promote skin tightening by inducing a thermal healing effect with the aid of radio energy waves.

Optical treatments include light and laser therapies for skin rejuvenation. Light therapy is a noninvasive and affordable treatment option that uses IPL technology or intense pulsed light. This technique works extremely well with a wide variety of skin conditions. Furthermore, laser treatments have an advantage over other techniques due to its ability to target the appropriate tissue in the exact bandwidth. Moreover, this technique does not damage the surrounding tissues.

Laser skin resurfacing treatment might be ablative (removal of the specific layers) or nonablative (usage of heat damage). Furthermore, some of the strong fractional lasers are used for skin tightening and treating scarring, wrinkles, fine lines and other types of skin damage.


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